Mixed language project compilation in Eclipse: Java and Groovy

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Andy Clement, VMware
[[Media:Clement MixedLanguageProjectCompilationInEclipse.pdf]


Under the Groovy-Eclipse project the Eclipse Compiler for Java (ecj) has been opened up and extensions defined to allow other language compilers to plugin and work with it to build a mixed language codebase. Groovy-Eclipse plugs the existing groovyc compiler into these extensions. This approach removes the need for 'stubs' that are used in typical multi-language codebase compilation and enables the compilers to work more closely together during the various stages of compilation (parsing/resolution/code generation).

In this session we will look at how Eclipse has been opened up and how groovyc (as an example of the compiler for another JVM language) has been plugged in. We'll look at the benefits of 'stubless' joint compilation and look at how and why this architecture provides a great base upon which tools can quickly be built. The talk will also include demos of the Groovy-Eclipse tools.